Dennis Kramer posted an update in the group
Serious Play Forum 2 years ago
Hi all,
I’m asked to facilitate a customer insights sessions. A little inspiration as to how to set up a session like that would help me a lot. Has anyone done this before and could you provide me with some ideas on questions to ask and the set up of such an LSP-workshop?
Thanks a million!
Dennis -
Dennis Kramer joined the group
Serious Play Forum 2 years ago
Dennis Kramer commented on the post, Using Lego Serious Play as a Design Thinking Tool 7 years ago
Hi Marko,
I’ve been asked to facilitate a design thinking session with LSP (8 participants, approx. 4 hours duration). Could you advice me on what LSP set to use for this session? Would you just use only the
Dennis Kramer commented on the post, Design Thinking and LEGO SERIOUS PLAY 7 years ago
Hi Tamara,
I’ve been asked to facilitate a design thinking session with LSP (8 participants, approx. 4 hours duration). Could you advice me on what LSP set to use for this session? Would you just use only the