Looking for identity and landscape kit

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  • #1702
    Sylvie Condaminas


    I’m looking to get a “identity and landscape” kit. Itis referenced on the seriousplay web site but When I phone the direct shop they say they don’t have the reference to order it.
    Does anyone know how to buy this kit?


    Per Kristiansen

    the kit is currently sold out, it will be back end of September. Probably the only thing you can do right now is “wait”

    Sylvie Condaminas

    Thanks Per,
    I will wait then. But I have a client who ask me a workshop with LSP, to make the team think on theirs values and on how these values could contribute to a better customer relationship.

    I plan to make individual work first on the way each one lives the values (what does it mean for them), then to make them thinking on a common idea for each value and finally to build a collective model on how these value and the way they want to live them will perform the customer relationship.

    For that I bought one starter kit by members, but I wonder if it will be enough for the collective part to build a common model with relations with the customers.

    Do you have any suggestion on what I can use to complete the starter kit?

    Furthermore I would like them to keep at the end of the workshop their individual model as a goodies.

    Thanks a lot

    Per Kristiansen

    it sounds a bit like the absolute minimum. If the workshop is before the Identity & Landscape kit is available, you might want to consider the connections kit. It would give you lots of opportunities to explore the relations in them and their values/clients
    In your framing please keep in mind how you can keep it concise and not to descriptive Perhaps you could explore relations between their values and the customer experience (either the real one or the one the customer is looking for, or one that would be unique/distinct)

    Sylvie Condaminas


    thanks for all your remarks. I will keep the framing concise, to give them a large scale to investigate. Usually I’m used to combine others tools as speed boat or “Empreinte optimisation”, but in this group two of them are not confortable with written language. LSP will offer them the availability to fully participate to this team work and to be able to show all their skill.
    I will order the connections kit right now.
    Best regards and thanks for your suggestions

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