Eli De Friend posted an update in the group
Serious Play Forum 11 years ago
A Potential Breach in LSP Core Values???
As a follow-on from the conversation with Gabriel, I thought I’d trawl the net for any reference to Swisscom and LSP. Apart from our own CAPRESE web site, and the Xing profile of our main client representative, I also saw a link to a page in German: http://www.kremerundkonsorten.de/tat-biology-first-verkauft-fuer-swisscom/
Naturally, curious I thought I’d have a look. It would seem that a certain Jörg Kremer from Düsseldorf has developed a Marketing / Communications application based on LSP.
‘Alle “biology first”-Workshops setzen auf das LEGO© Serious Play Konzept auf und wurden im Sinne von “biology first” weiterentwickelt.’However, he doesn’t claim to be certified – well that’s the fun of Open Source, isn’t it.
However, my German not being so good, I was using google translate for the text and, according to the translation, Mr. Kremer is firm believer in a non-democratic decision-making process (see the last paragraph below in the German original). Is it just that google mis-translated or does it really say that Mr. Kremer prefers the efficiency of a non-democratic approach.
‘Jörg Kremer ist ein leidenschaftlicher Anhänger eines weniger demokratischen Entscheidungsstils im Marketing, der schneller zu klareren, wirkungsvolleren Marketing- und Kommunikationskonzepten führt, die schnell und mit geringstem Wirkungsverlust umgesetzt und nachhaltig beim Kunden und im Markt verankert werden können.’If it is indeed the case that someone is claiming to use LSP while directly contradicting its values, principles or etiquette, does the Community have a (moral) responsibility to protect the LSP core values and etiquette? And if so, what could the Community do about it?
I look forward to your thoughts on the question….
According to my information from a former colleague, now employed at DSG Berlin, JK (during a WS Sept. 7th.) by using the LSP concept name represented a directly contradiction of all the LSP values, principles and etiquette. Including that the core steps of LSP were not followed and after woods by various participants named as a complete disaster. Expressed by my former colleague “from what I know about LSP, it was a complete false sales description”. Leif