Hello Alan,
I work a lot with Agile teams and creativity and think out of the box are needed. Something I did with my teams and I got very good results (one alternative to go-go cart and snow company). You will see concepts from agile, but nothing you could not adapt.
**Sprint = Iteration or round
**Definition of done = What the team needs to accomplish at the end of the sprint
Story creation:
Here is the game rules:
*Team needs to come up whit one personage, it could be a very known personage, it could be a carton, or it could be a film personage.
*Team needs to come up with an object and on color.
*Team will rum 3 sprints, 12min each one (2 min plan + 7 min build + 3 min review)
*For one team of 3 people, in this retrospective, I decided to ask for 4 scenes, they needed to be sure that the history had one start, one end, and the history needed to be based in the story goal
Definition of “Done”:
*The team need to add one action at least in each scene
*One picture per scene
Normally I do between 3 or 4 round and depending of the number of person and your rules, it could take between 30 and 60 min. The result I got is very good.
Here is the original game for agiles teams : http://tastycupcakes.org/2012/10/once-upon-a-time-in-legoland/
Here is one link with the the experience and some adaptations: http://www.agilecafe.org/retrospective-and-creativity-with-lego/
I hope this help you.