Ruben Fernandez replied to the topic How to properly close a workshop in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years ago
Hola Jesús.
Con gusto podemos platicar el martes; me puedes contactar al cel (55)3731-2022 o por correo a ruben@creatividadaplicada.mx
Mándame mensaje por WhatsApp el lunes si quieres y nos ponemos de acuerdo.
Saludos. -
Ruben Fernandez replied to the topic How to properly close a workshop in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years ago
hola Jesus. He leído tu mensaje sobre cómo cerrar un taller Lego Serious Play. Entiendo que aún no te has certificado pero que facilitaras un taller en dos meses. Si es así, te recomiendo acudir a facilitadores certificados para que colaboren contigo.
La metodología tiene su ciencia, como decimos en México, y es importante que sea aplicada por p…[Read more] -
Ruben Fernandez commented on the post, Inventory of Connections Kit 2000431 10 years ago
I recently buy Connections Kit from Lego and I discover a different inventory, maybe a new kit. It comes with no ladders, for example.
I ask Lego for inventory for my kit and they send me this link for actual -
Elisabetta Decarli-Frick wrote a new post 10 years ago
Lego Serious Play workshop done with IFITT Board in Lugano (Switzerland) 2.2.2015.
The workshop has been facilitated by dr. Stefano Tardini and Elisabetta -
Elisabetta Decarli-Frick replied to the topic Libro LSP in Italiano! in the forum
Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Ottimo! Congratulazioni per la bella iniziativa! Teneteci aggiornati ;-)
Elisabetta Decarli-Frick wrote a new post 12 years ago
The S-Play project team is pleased to announce that the “White Paper on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® – A state of the art of its applications in Europe“ has been published.
The white paper presents an introduction to LSP, -
Elisabetta Decarli-Frick commented on the post, Survey about the Use of LSP in SMEs 12 years ago
Dear all,
thank you for all your precious contributions! I remind you that the S-Play survey will be online till beginning of the next week, so please fill it out now if you have not already done so
Elisabetta Decarli-Frick wrote a new post 12 years ago
We invite you to contribute to an online survey about Lego® Serious Play®. The goal of this survey is to establish the state-of-the-art of LSP® in Europe. This survey is part of the S-Play Project, funded by the