Profile Details


Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Industrial Engineer, IPN UPIICSA
Master Business Administration, ITESM CCM
PHD Education Anahuac University & Complutense Madrid University
Speciality Top Management, ITESM CEM
Speciality NAFTA, ITAM
Speciality Internacional Trade, ITAM
Speciality Total Quality System, ITAM
Speciality Human Resourses, ITAM
Speciality Six Sigma, ITESM CEM
Certificate Lead Assessor , IQA-IRCA
Certificate Auditor QS-9000, Task Force
Certificate in Quality Management for Latin America, AOTS, JAPON
Certificate in Strategies for Strengthening Competitiveness and Promoting Export, AOTS, MEXICO
Certificate in Lean Manufacturing, AOTS, JAPON
Certificate in Teaching Negotiation in the Corporation, Harvard Law School “PON”, USA.
Certificate in Disney´s Approach Business Excellence, Disney Institute, USA.
Certificate in Creating Value un Deals and Disputes, Harvard Law School “PON”, USA.

Facilitation languages


Contact info


semei castillo


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Creator of Just Use me Model  how use the all brain in the Classroom with LSP