Profile Details
- Name
Robert Bau
- Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?
Robert Bau is a creative strategist and design thinker who divides his time between consulting, mentoring, teaching and writing. Based in Stockholm and London, he has been working for 20+ years on a consultancy basis for leading service companies and exciting start-ups across Europe.
In 2011, Robert was appointed Professor of Service Design at SCAD, the most comprehensive art and design school in the US ( ). He is now in charge of the nation’s first B.F.A. and M.F.A. programs in service design.
- Facilitation languages
English Swedish
- Contact info
+447887718240 (UK)
+19122249343 (US)
- If yes - who, where and when trained you?
Stage 1 and 2 in Copenhagen, December 2013, by Per Kristiansen and Robert Rasmussen.