Profile Details

Remko Sietsma

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Remko Sietsma (1963) is leading a nationally known training agency; Outing Holland (1991). Under his leadership, Outing Holland become nationally known all round training and consulting company with an experiential and playful signature. Themes such as change, leadership and team development fits him. He also advises, trains and coaches HRM professionals and trainers. One of Remko’s specialties is crisis- en disaster management. He is affiliated with the Dutch Police Academy since 2002. He trains and supervises police professionals at tactical and strategic level. He is a professional LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator (stage 1 & 2) since 2013.

Facilitation languages

Dutch, English, German

Contact info

R. A. Sietsma
Bartoklaan 11
NL-3533 JA Utrecht
The Netherlands



If yes - who, where and when trained you?

LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator (stage 1 & 2) since 2013.