- Name
Nicole Colter
- Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?
Nicole Colter is a serial entrepreneur and educator who is passionate about Self-Directed Education. She will complete her Master of Science in Creative Studies from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at SUNY Buffalo State in August 2018 and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management with a minor in Law from Baruch College.
Nicole is on a mission to disrupt pervasive mindlessness and set people free from self-imposed constraints. She is exploring what might be all the ways to achieve this mission in service of the growing Self-Directed Education movement. Her areas of interest include education practices and environments that create self-directed learners and she is currently intrigued by unschooling, open education, connectivism, and rhizomatic learning. Her other interests include entrepreneurship education, mentoring, community building and cooperative business.
- Facilitation languages
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- Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?