Nick Lekuona commented on the post, Serious Work Book about LEGO Serious Play methodology 7 years, 10 months ago
Ahem, I just realised I can buy direct instead of going through through Amazon, and there are digital options in PDF and ePub formats. Getting mine straight away! :-)
Nick Lekuona commented on the post, Serious Work Book about LEGO Serious Play methodology 7 years, 10 months ago
Looks great but seems like it is not available outside the US and UK… and no Kindle version ?? Is there a reason for that? Bummer…
Nick Lekuona commented on the post, LSP People app for LEGO SERIOUS PLAY sessions 8 years ago
Seems like a great idea indeed! Gonna give it a try straight away and see how can collaborate in order to have it localised into Spanish… Kudos to @fabriziofaraco and LSP People!
Nick Lekuona commented on the post, Serious Play Starter Kit Replacement 8 years, 2 months ago
This set has been discontinued; I cannot find an equivalent as the new generic brick sets do not carry minifigs and special parts. Guess it is back to mixing kits…