Gabe de Jong changed their profile picture 4 years ago
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic Netherlands Intro meetup? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
… and the announcement is already out in the dutch NL group on LinkedIn.
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic Netherlands Intro meetup? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
… and the announcement is already out in the dutch LN group on LinkedIn.
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic Certification in UK in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hi Ali,
Sorry, we did one in january in London …
The next training we organize is in Amsterdam, june 2015. And to see where other trainings take place, please check the event calender of Serious Play Pro ..there are quit some opportunities. Good luck of course and keep on playing.
Best Regards, Michel Cloosterman -
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic Netherlands Intro meetup? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hey Erwin, Massimo and Martin,
I will be glad to join you guys.
All the best, Michel -
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hi Greet,
You’re welcome. I’m sure you will succeed. Have fun, play well. Hartelijke groet, Michel -
Michel Cloosterman replied to the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hi Greet,
Like Wiro said. It is very well possible to work in smaller groups and focus on your role as facilitator. The thing is that you probably want to make sure that they can work on their own. Therefore, make sure that they do enough skills building. And make sure they ‘stick’ to the proces so that everyone gets the change to tell the whole…[Read more]
Michel Cloosterman commented on the post, Identity and Landscape Kit 13 years ago
Hi Per,
Is it possible to give some insights of your and Roberts ideas, without a detailed summary of all the bricks ?