• LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: Visualising a radically successful Lean Six Sigma deployment
    Many organisations are focusing on organisational transformation, continuous improvement, and business excellence. However, r

  • Massimo – very interesting! Thank you for sharing such a rich case study. Can you please elaborate – what was the original client brief when they invited you and chose LSP as a tool. Were they looking specifically

  • Manuel – no I don’t. You might want to get in touch with LEGO Education close to your area and ask them.

  • Peter Poeck (Solution Manager, Cegeka) wrote on ADM website the following post.

    Houses, cars, trains, castles, dragons,… I’ve built them all! I’ve built my own dreamworld during my childhood and I loved it! T

  • Originally from: Business Standard

    Lego, the world-famous toy brick-maker, has just advertised for 20 vacancies for the enviable task of making a variety of life-size structures from its famous bricks. In case

  • Stanford Women in Tech Alumni at Stanford University Business School is organizing series of events on LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.

    Let’s Play Fair & Learn | An Introduction to LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    Did you enjoy p

  • This post was originally published on Excella Consulting blog page. Written by Trent Hone. Reposted with the kind permission of Janelle Ducott

    Here at Excella, our Agile Coaching Circle meets monthly to give us

  • Guy! Many thanks for this thorough and informative text regarding bricks – very helpful for many community members!

  • Ben Linders wrote this interesting post on InfoQ website about the combination of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY and Agile.

    People can tell stories and express themselves when trying to solve complex problems using Lego.

  • Jason Little of LeanIntuit wrote an interesting blog post about how to manage a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session remotely. Find out how you can carry out a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session when participants are 2200 kilometres

  • Video of a large group facilitation from LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session taken place in. Bangalore, India: Joomla Annual World Conference with 260 participants


  • Environmentally conscious buyers have been looking for opportunities to buy second hand LEGO bricks. You may be familiar with the selection of Ebay. Recently also Amazon started selling second hand random LEGO

  • UBQT Solutions from India added the following interesting photos to their website on connecting LEGO SERIOUS PLAY with Design Thinking.

    They wrote: recently, we applied Lego bricks through the Lego Serious

  • App.com has published an interview with a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator Maureen Ennis

    Maureen Ennis owns Thrive, a Belmar-based business that helps businesses develop teamwork, sometimes by using Lego

  • Click here to access Podcast Episode with Guillermo Miotti on LEGO Serious Play

    Download the podcast from here

  • I came across an interesting early set called “LEGO #9338 Serious Play Polybag” of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY that was available via Amazon. If you are looking for collectors’ items then this might be interesting: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B016FWQ40G/?tag=seriousplay-20 :)

  • by Stefan Wolpers October 2, 2015
    How I Have Been Practicing Processes in Recent Agile Workshops
    During the last 12 months, I participated in three inspiring workshops–I enjoyed all of them:

    The Product O

  • Tomorrow we’ll start with the annual meeting of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trained facilitators in Billund. We’ll have 98 attendees from 27 countries attending. There will be 16 scheduled presentations plus a lot of t

  • This LEGO SERIOUS PLAY case study has been written by Evgenia Cherkashina and Albina Zalilova from Training&Development Group
    CLIENT: Kaspersky Lab
    TARGET AUDIENCE: Children and teenagers, 8 to 16

  • Michele Marchetti wrote the following post for LinkedIn pulse.

    I was very curious about Lego Serious Play methodology when I first heard of it, so I eagerly subscribed to a presentation event in Ticino,

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