• Marko Rillo wrote a new post 8 years ago

    Marko Rillo facilitating Innovation Summit with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY at Bucharest Technology Week. This LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session took place on 24 May 2016 at Sheraton Bucharest with more than 120 participants who

  • Bonjour à tous,

    Nous serons plus de 15 français cette année à la convention internationale LSP début octobre à Billund.
    Belle mobilisation de la communauté française !
    Pour ceux qui n’ont pu se joindre à nous à Billund, nous organiserons des Meetup pour vous raconter.
    Inscrivez vous sur Meetup LSP France pour être alerté dès que les Meetup (Pari…
    [Read more]

  • Catherine Andrews published in Govloop this interesting blog post

    Want to innovate like a true professional leader at your agency? You might have to act like you’re 6 years old again.

    That was the message t

  • Nena Singh wrote about Top 5 ways they could help with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY in their blog

    In the picture above you see the members of our team, busy planning using Lego! To see pictures from other LEGO® SERIOUS P

  • Nena Singh wrote about Top 5 ways they could help with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY in their blog

    In the above video you see a time lapse video of a Lego Based Lean Simulation Session during one of our Lean Green Belt

  • Nena Singh wrote about Top 5 ways they could help with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY in their blog

    For our Five Year Anniversary our team is taking turns writing this blog in Five parts, each blog will feature a case study

  • Joomla is one of the world’s most popular open source content management systems, which has been used extensively by millions of users around the world. In 2015 their development community celebrated 10 years and

  • Sorry, I made a mistake today! I regularly send the series of 5 welcome letters using mailchimp to the new Serious Play Pro community subscribers. I accidentally triggered the e-mail wrongly today and sent out

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    LEGO play is an interesting concept. LEGO has been around for generations. We played with it, our parents played with it,

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    Did you know that you could use LEGO as a problem solving tool?

    LEGO has a bit of a non-existent reputation in the

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    So you want to run a workshop. You want to know what the best possible way to engage the participants is. You want to know

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    Ever since its creation, LEGO has allowed people to make the most out of their creativity, and so it should be. Creativity

  • By Taylor Mallory Holland

    When you lead a creative team, problem solving should be easy, right? After all, a roomful of smart, imaginative people who know their stuff should be able to see past perceived

  • Patrizia Bertini wrote:

    The relationship between business and design has gone through deep changes in the past years. We are assisting at a convergence between business and design lead by the formalisation and

  • Facilitateurs francophones passionnés par cette méthode, nous nous réunissons une fois par trimestre depuis novembre 2015 à Paris et à partir de fin mai 2016 à Lille, pour échanger sur les applications, best pratices et lessons learned.
    Notre communauté française se veut le trait d’union avec la communauté internationale qui se réunit tous…[Read more]

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    All kinds of companies are finding use in using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, and this can be attributed to scope and a

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    Product Search Innovation is one of the core places where the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) method truly shines. It allows f

  • Luke Battye from http://seriousplayworkshops.co.uk has written the following blog post.

    LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an incredibly strong tool to use when defining a vision. It can help clarify ideas and concepts f

  • This is one of the videos where an Hungarian LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator Balint Mezo speaks about LSP (in Hungarian). If somebody is interested and knows the language then perhaps it is useful to you :)


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