Profile Details

Laurence Dehaemers

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

I’m Laurence, 42 , I lived in Belgium since 2008. (before 2008, I was working in France, USA and Africa…). I have a bachelor degree in communication and a MBA. I also followed some trainings to add some skills to my trainer/facilitator’s toolbox (NLP, TA, MBTI …).
I had a former career in the oil industry as a project manager for under water works. 10 years from now I decided to quit the oil industry and to craft a job that reflects my beliefs and values and that will allow me to satisfy my work/life balance.

I’ve been working as a self-employed coach/trainer/facilitator for 10 years now.  I started as a coach. But soon I discovered that working with groups was what motivates me more and where I worked better. I now worked mainly with teams  to get a better cohesion, align their work on their values, redefine their core services, products or identity, aso…

Facilitation languages

Français, English

Contact info

+32 (0)489.333.203

Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Jens Rottbøll, Antwerpen, 3-6 december 2018