Kaj ten Voorde commented on the post, What's up with the duck? 8 years ago
I just found it at amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1783240458/?tag=seriousplay-20
Kaj ten Voorde commented on the post, What's up with the duck? 8 years ago
Any idea on when and how we can order this book? I am looking forward!
Kaj ten Voorde commented on the post, With a little help of from my friends (and Lego Serious Play) 9 years ago
Thanks so much for the in-detail response. Very useful. I can see this work indeed, although I guess it is best to stick with individual assignments for the participants? This is probably what you will do it being
Kaj ten Voorde commented on the post, With a little help of from my friends (and Lego Serious Play) 9 years ago
Thanks for the article, sounds like a great way to both introducing LSP to a group of people and exploring a topic like the one you did. A question to me is how you approach hosting such a large group (of say
Kaj ten Voorde wrote a new post 9 years ago
Some time ago there was an elaborate post on the use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® in Church groups that you can read here
Its author Kaj ten Voorde has in the meantime built an English language dedicated website f
Kaj ten Voorde wrote a new post 10 years ago
LEGO Serious Play® proves helpful in the construction of meaning during Bible study groups. I found it out with the research I did for my Bachelor in Theology-thesis, under supervision of dr. Robert Doornenbal. I
Kaj ten Voorde wrote a new post 10 years ago