Profile Details

Junichi Tanaka

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

 I am an Internal Medicine physician at a hospital. My specialties are community healthcare and medical education. Actually, “community healthcare” might be translated as “tiiki iryo” in Japanese. But sometimes, “tiiki iryo” is translated as “rural medicine”. However, since sometimes “tiiki iryo” is translated as “rural medicine,” I think “tiiki iryo” is a loosely-defined term. Therefore, I am interested in the meaning of “tiiki iryo” within scientific study now today. This point is one of reasons that why I decided to attend the LSP seminar, because as I think LSP may make a clarifying the meaning about of “tiiki iryo”.

Moreover, I am interested in interprofessional work . The issue of interprofessional work is currently one of key importance in the field of community healthcare. In this concept, It is very important to encourage interprofessional relations. However, I think it there is not enough interprofessional relationships in Japan. Therefore, I would like to use a method involving communication way as LSP. I have the two purposes written above for this seminar, and I am very happy to attend.

Facilitation languages



Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

2015, Tokyo Japan