Profile Details

Guy Winterbotham

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Guy Winterbotham is an Agile Coach and self proclaimed Project Jester, working on large software system integration projects in the commercial and government sectors. Typically these projects are high stress involving a lot of conflict. He uses LSP as part of his conflict management approach. LSP fits with his journey to bringing play back to the workplace.

Facilitation languages


Contact info

Guy Winterbotham is an Agile Coach and self proclaimed Project Jester, working on large software system integration projects in the commercial and government sectors. Typically these projects are high stress involving a lot of conflict. He uses LSP as part of his conflict management approach. LSP fits with his journey to bringing play back to the workplace.

Contact him on LinkedIn.


Twitter URL


Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Certificate in Facilitating and Designing Workshops, Trainer: Robert Rasmussen, Charlotte,NC,USA, November 2015