Profile Details

Dr. Stefan Drefke

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Hi SPPros,

my name is Stefan and I’m an executive director at a German-based SME with ~250 employees. In preparation for an internal workshop on “vision and values”, to be conducted in 2 days with 7 participants, I stumbled upon LSP. In preparation for this workshop I’ve already read the 2 books on LSP and purchased 5 starterkits as well as some ground plates (Lego #9388). I generally consider LSP to be a powerful method, if applied properly and in the right context, i. e. an appropriate case/challenge. To deepen my knowledge on LSP, gain ideas from an experienced community and some day even contribute to it, I’d like to create an account on SPPro.

Best regards,


Facilitation languages

German, English


Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?
