Profile Details

Cliff Kimber

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?


Founding partner of BigBlueStuff, holds an MSc in Coaching and Development from a UK business school and believes in ‘People centered, business focused, results orientated, performance consulting’.

For details of our success please look at our website, We can’t speak for our clients, but they can speak for themselves including:

MYLES DOWNEY, Founder of The School of Coaching and author of ‘Effective Coaching, Lessons from the coach’s coach’, who says,

“In my view Cliff is one of a few business coaches who really “gets it’ – and I say this having experienced his coaching. He understands the player’s (coachee) needs and aim, keeps the client organisation’s needs in focus and is as concerned about performance – delivering results for the business – as he is about development. To this he then adds insight, creativity and humour. A unique package.”

Consulting and coaching for change
Lego Serious Play Facilitator

Contact info

Cliff Kimber +44 7793 490522
Pete Lawrence +44 7786545543



If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Completed the endorsed full Lego serious Play facilitator training, qualified to design and facilitate LSP and has delivered LSP across a diverse portfolio of clients.