• Cynthia posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    @admin Hello!!! I’m a Professional Business Coaching and just discover this fantastic method of LSP. I’m searching all possible information about it to make it part of my services for business. I really appreciate if someone can recommend myself about what woul be the first kit to start giving trainning to a small group of no more than 12 people. Do I need the three of them (starter kit, connections kit, identity) or can I start some trainning with one of them? And would be? Thank you so much for your recommendations.
    Cynthia Hernandez

    • @cynthia_hernandez Hi Cynthia and welcome to the fascinating world of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. Your question is much more multi-faceted. Hence – I suggest in addition to asking just a single person you could post your question to the whole community forum here where all our members will be glad to think along: http://seriousplaypro.com/forum/

      May I kindly ask you to please add also – what kind of training you would like to start delivering? Who would be the trainees? What is your personal background – it would make it easier for the others to think along.

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