Profile Details
- Name
Corina Oliveira
- Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?
I work in a public service for the legislative school at Câmara dos deputados (House of Representatives) in Brazil. My job is to develop educational events from classes to big meetings with hundreds of people. I’ve been certificated recently (2017, november), by Lucio Margulis, and I am looking for events to develop my skills as a LSP facilitator. I am very interested in the uses of LSP on the government an public agencies.
- Facilitation languages
English, portuguese
- Contact info
+55(61)98122 3442
- Twitter URL
- Facebook.
- Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?
- If yes - who, where and when trained you?
Lucio Margulis – november, 2017, Rio de Janeiro