• Today we started with the first SeriousPlayPro Academy in Tallinn, Estonia. The Academy is targeted towards university students. It will last for 1 month and will consist of:

    In-depth training on LEGO Serious

  • Diagnostic Cards at Play in Creative Conflict Management
    “Since using the cards I would not want to conduct my practice without them.”

     -Jennifer Webster, Mediator/Arbitrator/Lawyer


    It’s always wonde

  • SeriousPlayPro.com community member Rémy Gaudy asked his students to work with LEGO Serious Play methodology and other visual tools for his innovation course. Enjoy this fast-paced video stream of them in action

  • LEGO is about to complete a their new unique, creative and imaginative LEGO House in Billund, Denmark. Read more about the background of the building, its philosophy here from the dedicated site of the LEGO House.

  • This article appeared earlier today in the Observer section of the Guardian.

    From its founding in 1932 until 1998, Lego had never posted a loss. By 2003 it was in big trouble. Sales were down 30% year-on-year

  • LEGO Group’s new CEO, Bali Padda, talks challenges, opportunities and where he plans to take the toymaker next – article by Robert Anderson from Gulf Business.

    You took the LEGO reins at the start of the y

  • Olenick posted an interview with LEGO Serious Play Facilitator: Alan Branagh

    DigitalDNA will bring together some of the best and brightest leaders in digital transformation, innovation, and business.  In

  • I have applied in a couple strategy workshops BMI’s Business Model Pattern Cards, based on Gassmann’s, Frankenberger’s and Csik’s Business Model Navigation theory create a useful combination for informed strategy discussions. Works well when people want to brainstorm about their business model configurations. More straightforward than BMC.

    I…[Read more]

  • LEGO Foundation website has just announced the following news

    The University of Cambridge has appointed a world-leading researcher as the first LEGO Professor of Play in Education, Development and

  • LEGO Serious Play is used for charitable causes to raise funds for children’s playroom in Ontario, Canada.

    Play 4 Prosperity is bringing a team of Lego Serious Play leaders to Northgate Shopping Centre this

  • Get the experience with Facilitator Training in the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology with Marko Rillo, the Founder of SeriousPlayPro.com community.
    What sets this LEGO® Serious Play® training apart from oth

  • Today we take the opportunity of promoting another research paper “Effectiveness of Learning Through Experience and Reflection in a Project Management Simulation” that appeared in NASAGA journal Simulation &

  • Who and how is entitled to use, train, develop with LEGO® Serious Play® methodology? Very simple! Anybody is entitled to – provided that they follow the LEGO Serious Play Open-source guideline.

    LEGO Serious P

  • I found the following research chapter covering LEGO Serious Play methodology in book: Learning and Collective Creativity, Publisher: Routledge, Editors: Annalisa Sannino, Viv Ellis

    This chapter “Creative tools

  • We have written a couple of years ago in our blog about the original Lego Serious Play Patent application. Today we will take another trip down the memory lane and will describe here another LEGO Serious Play

  • We are announcing new initiative –  Serious Play Pro Next Generation Academy. It is 1-month internship in Tallinn, Estonia where young people can learn about LEGO Serious Play for free. Read more about Serious

  • Really interesting case! Thanks for sharing, Joseph! :)

  • I recently found this interesting article that was published in 2015 at DW Academie about LEGO Serious Play
    You might only know Lego as a child’s toy. But Lego is also gaining popularity as an innovative

  • A video showcasing the use of LEGO to promote critical thinking has proven an unexpected viral hit for an academic at the University of Chichester Business School. Principal lecturer Dr Andy Clegg posted a short

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