Patrizia Bertini started the topic The value of the certification in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 7 months ago
Hello all,
Something odd is happening to me… I keep meeting people who runs LSP workshops.
I always get thrilled when I meet someone who is into LSP, but then it happened already 2 times in 2 weeks, that these people actually tell me that ‘you don’t need a certification to play with LEGO!”.
I understand that the method is powerful and there are plenty of materials around, but seeing professionals in different companies (one is in a UX company and the other is in an NGO) that keep telling me that they get what they want from the workshops and that they do not design their workshops (“just improvise, it’s fun” they tell me and teach me before I tell them about the certification), they ignore the warm up and they just make people play and sell this as LSP… well, it’s annoying to the professional in me.How can we make the public understand the value in the certification and in working with certified facilitators rather than with people that just improvise?
How can we distinguish ourselves better?
hi Patrizia, just a couple of quick thoughts: this is a bit like coaching, you dont need a coaching certificate to do coaching, “it is simple, you just have to ask questions”, but those that have approved certifications somehow do it better. There are probably many viable paths, one of the ones that Robert and I work on is that LEGO makes it clear that it is not a requirement, they strongly encourage users/clients to make certain that their facilitator (inside or outside) has completed a certification