• Sounds good, did the conflict in your case already escalate into an argument? I have to defuse the situation I think, your solution seems to help. I think I will need to talk to the both first, so that I can dig deeper into what the situation really is. Having them build their perceptions and insights on the situation might help indeed.

  • Hi Martin,

    What I have done is to use LSP as a methodology for both parties to express them perspective on a certain topic.

    So, my process is quite simple: introduction (warm-up), then perspectives and insights on subject a, then on subject b and then to have both sides to create a potential stabilized solution with a core concept of a and…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    I have two colleagues who are arguing on and off and today broke out into a pretty childish conflict. It’s gone on long enough and I want to help them understand each other better. I will give them an announcement for a session on Thursday where we will try to work out this conflict of theirs. I am also their manager, so I think they will…[Read more]

  • I was thinking about not responding :P
    Jokes aside, I believe with the LSP Team script you have a great way to bring to the table what you already look for and be ready for surprises … I have used it for problem resolution. Is very important that the facilitator is not involved personally in any of the issues, If you facilitate then resist the…[Read more]

  • Paul M. Jung wrote a new post 8 years ago


    I’d like to share a new project from one of my favorite authors, Steven Johnson. For his upcoming book, “Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World”, Johnson is producing the companion Wonderland p

  • Hi All,

    I am currently working on an issue we have today: some people don’t reply to emails at all!
    You send a request through email to some colleague and you don’t receive any answer back.
    I think LSP could help solving this issue and I am wondering if someone has already applied LSP to such a scenario.

    Thanks a lot,


  • Marko Rillo wrote a new post 8 years ago

    Interview with Daniel Weiss and Krisja Abelman about lego serious play and business model you about their upcoming LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session at Festival of Entrepreneurial Learning. The session info is here.

  • Marko Rillo wrote a new post 8 years ago

    This post about LEGO SERIOUS PLAY appeared on Linconshire Echo, written by Paul Whitelam

    Fully-grown businessmen and women are being urged to play with Lego to help their companies grow. Ever since its

  • Marko Rillo wrote a new post 8 years ago

    It looks like a creativity project run by Ogilvy with LEGO bricks for Kantar Media has backfired. Last week Lucy Kellaway wrote in her FT blog post and her podcast about how the plague of compulsory creativity may

  • On November 10th and 11th, 2016 we’ll keep you busy building your new skills with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® at the Unconference at the Nita Lake Lodge in beautiful Whistler, BC., Canada!

    If you are not alr

  • I just wanted to make sure all is a go for the North American Facilitation meeting Nov 2nd and 3rd as I wanting to book flights in the next couple days.
    Thank you!

  • SEMEI CASTILLO posted an update 8 years ago

    Uno puede soñar, crear, diseñar y construir el lugar más maravilloso del mundo; pero se requiere gente para que el sueño pueda convertirse en realidad.
    One can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world ; but people are required for the dream can become reality.

  • Hi Elizabeth,
    Apologies for the tardy response and the failed PDF link. You can fill out the registration form at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/zgIBuSByIpvMa4zJ2.

    Warm regards,

  • Hi Tommy,

    I’ll look into the link and try to sort it out. In the mean time you can access the registration link directly at https://goo.gl/forms/zgIBuSByIpvMa4zJ2.

    Warm regards,

  • Need a little help registering for the North American Facilitator event.
    I am not able to open the file to register. Thanks for the help!

  • @SeanBlair wrote a new post 8 years ago

    I made a short video (below) that explains four benefits of Lego Serious Play for people who want to know more about it (not the readers of this website!) But newer facilitators might find these four benefits u

  • I am wondering how other facilitators provide any “proof” of the benefits of an LSP workshop. When asked “how did it improve employee performance?” or “Can you show the return on investment?” what replies are effective?

    Is there any guides to “how to sell in LSP or convince skeptics of the benefits?”

    Any tips would be welcome.


    Yla Eason

  • Marko Rillo wrote a new post 8 years ago

    Marko Rillo facilitating Innovation Summit with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY at Bucharest Technology Week. This LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session took place on 24 May 2016 at Sheraton Bucharest with more than 120 participants who

  • Thanks Marko, the list helps a lot. I do miss a few pieces on the list±

    1 rope with studs on each side
    2 transparant blue duplo blocks 2×8
    4 black half arches



  • Looking for bricks in México …

  • Load More

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