Lego Serious Play TTT in Italy June 2019(Italian language)

Trivioquadrivio Via Ariberto 21, Milano, Italy

Hello everybody, for the Italian residents (and speakers), Trivioquadrivio - LSP certified partner since 2003, with a significant LSP experience in all business industries - is about to hold a new  train-the-trainer session for aspiring facilitators. The three-day intensive session - Italian language only - will take place in Milano from 10 to 12 june 2019 and will provide the participants with an […]

Facilitator Training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology at LEGOLAND® Resort California, USA

LEGOLAND California 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA, United States

What’s included? High quality and hands-on training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. Manual and experiences in facilitating the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. All inclusive training course on Hotel LEGOLAND®. On-line “after training” support for preparing the facilitator’s first workshop. On-line community network with other facilitators using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. Tour in The theme park LEGOLAND®. After your training […]

StrategicPlay® Certified Facilitator Training for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Juni 2019 (in Deutsch)

CoCreACT! Space (powered by StrategicPlay®) Ditmar-Koel-Str. 23A, Hamburg

Wozu LEGO® Serious Play®? Helfen Sie Ihrem Team, das, was in den einzelnen Köpfen ist, für alle erlebbar und greifbar zu machen! Indem Sie wortwörtlich mit Ideen spielen, wird Ihr Team mit vollem Einsatz Herausforderungen jeder Art gemeinsam angehen und ausgestalten. Spielerisch bringen Sie mit LEGO® Serious Play® Teams zum gemeinsamen kreativen Arbeiten. LEGO® Serious Play® bietet einen besonderen und […]

Métodos LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Certificación de Facilitadores Equipos y Grupos México Junio 2019

¡Venga a divertirse con nosotros y a aprender en Ciudad de México mientras exploramos el método LEGO® Serious Play® aplicado a equipos y grupos! Los asistentes que terminen con éxito el entrenamiento recibirán la Certificación de Facilitadores en LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, un proceso de facilitación de renombre internacional usado por las organizaciones para involucrar a los participantes en la generación […]

Certification Training LEGO®-SERIOUS-PLAY®-Methoden: Teams und Gruppen

Beschreibung 3-tägiger Kurs: Lernen Sie, wie Ihnen LEGO®-SERIOUS-PLAY®-Methoden & Materialien dabei helfen können, komplexe Themenstellungen zielführend zu bearbeiten: Im Bereich Kommunikation, bei Prozessen und Abläufen, in Teams .... Werden Sie zertifizierter Moderator/Facilitator für LSP Methoden & Materialien. Über diesen Kurs: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ist ein international bewährter, moderierter Prozess, der von Organisationen eingesetzt wird, um innovative Ideen für organisatorische Verbesserungen […]

Teamgel Certified Facilitator Training for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. (Johannesburg) South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa

What is LEGO® Serious Play®? The LSP methodology is a systematic approach, using LEGO, to group problem solving and decision making that includes our emotional and rational sides whilst evoking creativity and innovative thinking. If that sounds like a mouth full to you, it’s pure fun for the attendees while achieving all that fancy stuff in the previous sentence. It’s […]

Certified Facilitator Training in the use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® for Positive Psychology.

copenhagen , Denmark

4 days from August 12-15, 2019. If you, like us, think that four days of play, learning and positive psychology in sounds pretty nice, then join us for certification in using LEGO® Serious Play® for Positive Psychology. And if you want to learn how this exciting and playful method allows groups to gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of various […]


Facilitator Training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology at Hotel LEGOLAND® Florida Resort, Orlando, USA

LEGOland florida 1 Legoland Way, Winter Haven, FL, United States

Facilitator training in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology at Hotel LEGOLAND® Florida Resort, Orlando, USA LEGO, SERIOUS PLAY, IMAGINOPEDIA, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this website.   What’s included? High quality and hands-on training in the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology. Manual and experiences in facilitating the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology. All inclusive training […]

©2009-2024 links professional facilitators using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. It is not affiliated with LEGO. Check LEGO SERIOUS PLAY open source for details or get in touch with us.

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