Poom Narudee Kristhanin posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
We are excited to announced the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator Certification in Bangkok, Thailand, by one of the world’s master trainers, Per Kristiansen. The program have been overwhelmingly responded as we have got participants from Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Singapore and Thailand so far. We still have one LAST SEAT available. It’s the earliest seat available for LSP facilitator training in Asia 2017. Check the agenda and plan your workation in the land of smile. Check out http://www.lspthailand.com for agenda & price.
The full 4-day training location is in Silom area in Central Business District, Bangkok, Thailand
The training certification is hosted by Eureka International Co., Ltd. in partnership with Per Kristiansen, Trivium