Has anyone here been involved in the “Agile Software Development” movement?

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    Brian Bozzuto

    Hi Everyone,

    so I’m new to this community and am approaching it from a slightly different direction. My background is in software development and IT project management. I have become very involved in the Agile community (www.AgileAlliance.org). Within this community, there is a growing group of people committed to the use of games, simulations and any other number of interactive experiences in lieu of the traditional techniques for training, planning, visioning and even doing work.

    I’m curious if any of you have been involved in this community, as there seems to be quite a bit of overlap between what they are saying and what this community is discussing.

    Marko Rillo

    Hi Brian,

    Welcome on board! It appears that as there are no replies to your request then not many members of the seriousplaypro.com community have been involved in Agile community. However, thank you for sharing the link – you seem to have an active community with lots of interesting happening.



    Hi Brian,
    I have a friend and ex-colleague, François Bachmann, who is a Scrum master, was always interested in LSP, but never made the link that you have seen between the Agile approach and LSP.

    The firm we used to work for wasquite traditional. He left because they would not support Agile methods at a strategic level and I left, amongst other reasons, because they did not see how tools like LEGO SERIOUS PLAY could fit into their strategy.

    I would be very interested to hear what common themes you have already discovered between the Agile and LSP world.
    Best regards,

    Eli De Friend

    Cuan Mulligan

    Hi Brian,

    I am part of a team in the uk, support the company on its transition to agile. I feel there is a huge place for serious game play, I am a trained Innovation games facilitator, and now looking to get into LSP.

    I use game play as one of the tools in my tool box to help coach the teams…is there any particular issues your looking for information on ?


    HI Brian

    I’m a Scrum master and Agile coach based in the UK.. I’m looking at adding this to my toolkit, I’m hoping there are some great benefits in using it to coach agile teams and organisations.


    David Laribee

    Hi, Brian.

    I’m an agile coach at VersionOne (internal product development team) http://versionone.com

    We’re using LSP for release-level retrospectives and considering introducing it as a strategic tool.

    I see the early interest in LSP happening (agile games conference featured a keynote on LSP), but it’s pretty early. I think the efforts of folks like Luke Hohmann (Innovation Games) will increase the variety of game playing techniques we have available in the software development community. I’m bullish about the possibilities of the LSP methodology.

    / Dave

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