Building Trust Using LSP


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  • #12291
    Scott Knutson

    Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone –

    I am a newly minted LEGO(R) Serious Play(R) method facilitator, and I have been asked to use LSP for a team struggling with trust issues among team members. I’ve been searching for some examples of exercises using LSP and trust, but haven’t had much luck, so I thought I’d reach out here ask: has anyone ever used LSP for building trust and would you be willing to share what you did?



    Lennie Noiles

    I am often asked to work with teams that have a lack of trust, both as a coach and a LSP facilitator. What I have found is, unless trust has been broken, what appears to be a trust issue is usually a communication issue. Team members don’t really know their teammates. The best way to get to know someone else is to be in dialogue with them. At the end of my most recent LSP workshop the feedback was, “this is the most we have talked to each other in the history of the team.” In my followup with the team lead I was told the LSP workshop opened the door to team communication.
    In this workshop I scripted mostly exercises from the Team Identity model. As the workshop progressed I adapted the exercises to what was emerging from the room.
    If you want exercises that focus on trust I would first familiarize yourself with the research around psychological safety then build exercises around what a safe environment is like and how the team might design an alliance of how to work together around that model.
    I hope this helps you move forward on your LSP journey.

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