• Hi hugues,

    Please check with Michel Cloosterman. He had a presentation on this topic during the LSP summit last year. Should be able to help you out!



  • Hi Camila

    I’ve used LSP for a number of different purposes for UX – Design Thinking, group facilitation and research (1 on 1 interviews mainly).
    The key is really asking the right question and following the process – question, build, share, reflect.
    The goal from my perspective is to first understand the problem you’re trying to solve (th…[Read more]

  • Sebastian posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi everyone,

    I need to make 2 proposals on 2 different topics and wonder if anyone has done similar and what approach was used
    A 1 or 1.5 day on Problem Solving for Staff and Managers , Basically how to be better skilled at Problem Solving and/or making Decisions
    A 1 Day on increasing creativity for staff and managers. Both General and/or…[Read more]

  • Hi Eli, Hi Walter
    Thank you for your helpfull feedbacks
    Warm regards Hugues

  • Hi Hugues,
    I have been involved as an LSP facilitator with startups a few times.

    Business modelling is of course a major issue, but in my experience so is product definition. Beyond the obvious agreement on superficial aspects, team members tend to have even wildly differing notions as to the hows and whys of the product.

    This usually remains…[Read more]

  • Hi Hugues,
    Frequently, start-ups have a product and haven’t yet grown up the organisational structure around them.
    I would imagine that some standard Identity and Strategy work would be worthwhile in such situations.
    Best regards,

  • Hello
    I am currently working on a programm to coach and develop start up companies with a regional business accelerator.
    Does anyone have any experience with coaching and development of start up with LSP other than business modeling? I am interested in exchanging information and tips on this matter.
    Thank you in advance

  • Hi Ine, thanks for the response! I think this discussion is very rich.
    Thinking in a practical scenario; I have recently worked on a qualitative UX project regarding invoice interface. The design team (a telephone company here in Brazil) wanted to develop a new invoice (paper) because the number of complaints regarding lack of information clarity…[Read more]

  • Hi Camila,
    I’m a qualitative researcher as well as a workshop facilitator, so I get your point! I have thought quite a bit about the potential, but haven’t applied LSP in this way. What holds me back (perhaps unjustifiably?) is:
    – focus groups are made up of random individuals, who do not have 1 purpose or 1 business goal to fulfill. They just…[Read more]

  • Last year Strategic Play in the Americas worked together with a small group called “I AM ANTI BULLY” to encourage families to talk about the important topic of bullying. We made this short educational video to

  • Hello!
    Currently my main professional objective with LSP is to apply the method within focus groups and/or UX groups. I believe the potential is appealing due to quality and depth of information obtained during LSP sessions. Does anyone have any experience with consumers? How did it go? I am interested in exchanging information and tips on this matter!

  • Ben Linders wrote this interesting post on InfoQ website about the combination of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY and Agile.

    People can tell stories and express themselves when trying to solve complex problems using Lego.

  • Jason Little of LeanIntuit wrote an interesting blog post about how to manage a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session remotely. Find out how you can carry out a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session when participants are 2200 kilometres

  • @admin I’m having trouble creating a blog. Whenever I try and create a blog I get this:

    New Post

    Please Install BP Simple Front End Post Plugin to make the editing functionality work.

    • Try again – I have now given you the full rights for posting in our blog. Let me know if the problem persists

    • Mark,
      Thanks for you quick reply but that didn’t seem to fix. I tried several browsers (including clearing cache) across two operating systems and still get the same behaviour. Assuming I’m the only one and you have no other tricks we might need to delete the account and have me restart from scratch.


    • Interesting. See if it works now – i have upgraded the plugin. Please let me know it the problem still persist – happy to assist.

    • Marko,
      That appears to have fixed it! Thanks so much for your persistence. One last question. On your recently posted Joomla community session, how long over all was the session? I know the video was shortened.

  • As of January 1st 2016, we will start Lego Serious Play based workshops within Southern Sweden. Our goal is to have 8 workshops within the 1Q 2016.

    • We offer full suite of Lego Serious Play and Lego Eduction platform services to individuals, associations and companies of all sizes within Sweden.
      We hav now expanded our activities with more experienced consultants so we are able to cater for just your needs.

  • Video of a large group facilitation from LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session taken place in. Bangalore, India: Joomla Annual World Conference with 260 participants


  • Environmentally conscious buyers have been looking for opportunities to buy second hand LEGO bricks. You may be familiar with the selection of Ebay. Recently also Amazon started selling second hand random LEGO

  • UBQT Solutions from India added the following interesting photos to their website on connecting LEGO SERIOUS PLAY with Design Thinking.

    They wrote: recently, we applied Lego bricks through the Lego Serious

  • Hello Lego world,

    I’m in the process of designing business cards and want to include information on LSP somehow. I found the section on use and guidelines available on the site so I think I am good to go now But if anyone has images of cards they have used I’d love to see them if you don’t mind sharing.

    Any other information on the use of the…[Read more]

  • 16.12.2015 I have provided training for trainers of Sberbank on the LSP methodology. We were a group of 16 people, only four were aware of the method. Very pleased that upon completion of the training, many

  • Load More

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